What is Hypnosis and how can it help?


Even today hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood topics. Hypnosis is a natural occurring state that occurs in all of us typically several times a day. When you go to sleep or just before you wake up you pass through a state of hypnosis.

So, what is hypnosis? If you have ever been completely engrossed in a tv show, movie or a good book you were in a state of hypnosis. Have you ever thought about your favorite food or favorite dish and can actually picture and smell it even though it is nowhere to be seen? You are in a state of hypnosis.

The mind is divided into two parts the conscious and the subconscious or unconscious. The conscious mind is called the analytical mind because it analyzes and rationalizes and it can only handle one task at a time. This is the part you use when you are thinking about what you need to do today while brushing your teeth. The subconscious mind is the part that carries on the task of brushing your teeth without you even having to think about it. You can think of the subconscious as a computer running multiple programs on autopilot. It is the subconscious mind, running all these programs on autopilot, where our habits, beliefs, imagination, emotions, permanent memory and perceptions lie. The subconscious is also responsible for controlling all your Autonomic systems such as regulating your heart rate and breathing.  It is said that we only utilize our conscious mind about 5% of the time, yet we use our subconscious mind about 95% of the time.

What does this mean and can we use Hypnosis to change people’s lives? The subconscious mind is running the programs of our mind on autopilot for us constantly. It is these negative or self-destructive programs in the subconscious that are causing most of the unwanted behaviors in our lives.

So how can a Hypnotist or Hypnotherapist help?  The Hypnotist or Hypnotherapist guides the client into a state of Hypnosis where these negative or self-destructive programs can be rewritten for more beneficial programs. This is done by bypassing the conscious mind and planting positive suggestions into the subconscious. Hypnosis can achieve positive long-lasting changes in someone’s life in as little as 6 to 8 sessions. This is dependent on the problem and the individual and there are no guarantees. Sometimes the Hypnotist will ask the client to reinforce the hypnotic work done by listening to subliminal or self-hypnosis audios which has a compound effect on the process.

Is hypnosis safe? Hypnosis is completely safe and relaxing. It is much like experiencing a daydream. Scientists, medical professionals, psychologists and hypnotherapists have been using hypnosis for over 200 years and no one has ever been hurt by simply going into hypnosis. Hypnosis feels wonderful and a fifteen-minute session in hypnosis can feel like eight hours of sleep.


Hypnosis Common Myths & Misconceptions

Hypnosis is not an unconscious state of sleep. In fact, most people report having a heightened state of awareness, concentration and focus. People typically find they are more focused and aware under hypnosis than ever before in their life. You might be aware of birds singing or other inside or outside sounds around you.

You will typically remember everything that happened at the end of your session. On rare occasion I may suggest that you forget certain things. This however is only to allow the subconscious mind the chance to deal with these things outside consciousness without interference.

Your subconscious mind will not allow you to do anything against your moral code, values or beliefs. No one can control your mind. If you hear a suggestion that you don’t agree with or understand your subconscious mind will reject it.

You subconscious mind is there to protect you and it will not allow you to reveal any secrets you would not wish to reveal to me while consciously speaking with me. 

In reality, everyone will go into a natural state of hypnosis  several times a day. Typically anyone has the ability to go into hypnosis. It all comes down to the persons motivation, willingness and ability to concentrate. It is often found that the best hypnosis subject tend to be intelligent people with good imaginations and concentration.

It is impossible to get stuck in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural and normal state we all enter into everyday. The worst that could possibly happen is that you drift into a natural sleep and wake up soon after.

Most insurance companies do not cover hypnosis. I do not take insurance but will provide a receipt for my services. Inward journeys Hypnosis services should be considered a personal development service that you would normally pay for out of pocket. This also protects your privacy.